PDF⋙ Miss Pistachio's Big Day (English and Spanish Edition) by Miriam Rutland

Miss Pistachio's Big Day (English and Spanish Edition) by Miriam Rutland

Miss Pistachio's Big Day (English and Spanish Edition)

Miss Pistachio's Big Day (English and Spanish Edition) by Miriam Rutland PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Miss Pistachio's Big Day is a book about a beloved Kindergarten teacher's journey through the first day of school. Miss Pistachio's careful preparation and her loving manner with all of her students is described in such a manner as to be appealing to adults as well as young children. Her day begins early and ends late; all of her time is dedicated to her students who are the most important part of her big day.The book gives insight as to how much love, planning , and preparation goes into her day. The reader can also tell how much Miss Pistachio enjoys teaching; she is everywhere- on the playground playing kickball as well as in the classroom reading. Everyone who reads Miss Pistachio's Big Day will wish that they were a student in Miss Pistachio's classroom!

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