PDF⋙ Organic Methods for Vegetable Gardening in Florida by Ginny Stibolt, Melissa Contreras
Organic Methods for Vegetable Gardening in Florida by Ginny Stibolt, Melissa Contreras
Organic Methods for Vegetable Gardening in Florida by Ginny Stibolt, Melissa Contreras PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
“A wonderful and well-researched book that describes all aspects of organic gardening, from seed to harvest, as well as how to gather seeds from your labors for subsequent years. This book will help you create a garden that will produce food for yourself and your family, whether you live in Florida or not.”--Nell Newman, president of Newman’s Own Organics“With demand and desire exploding for fresh, healthful, locally grown produce, Ginny and Melissa are right on time. Hold a copy close, dig a plot, and grow your own!”--Michel Nischan, president of Wholesome Wave
“If you want to grow your own vegetables organically but are unsure how to get started—this is the book for you.”—Steve Christman, Floridata.com
“An excellent addition for any Floridian interested in raising food, either on a small-scale commercial basis or simply for the pleasure of seeing a garden grow.”—Marilyn E. Swisher, coeditor of Managed Ecosystems: The Mesoamerican Experience
With food costs on the rise, people are turning to their own yards for affordable and delicious produce. In Organic Methods for Vegetable Gardening in Florida, expert botanist Ginny Stibolt and Master Gardener Melissa Contreras provide simple and accessible advice for successful, pesticide-free vegetable gardening in Florida, where soil types vary and mild winters do not clear out all pests. They offer suggestions for opportunities beyond the home garden, advice on what to do with over-abundant harvests, and tips for developing a community garden. They also address pest management, appropriate bed types, irrigation, seed saving, proper harvesting, and food safety.
By providing information that helps people get closer to their food sources, Stibolt and Contreras have created an invaluable guide for everyday gardeners as well as small farmers who wish to expand their operations in order to participate in farmers markets or CSAs.
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