PDF⋙ Infant Baptism in Reformation Geneva: The Shaping of a Community, 1536-1564 by Karen E. Spierling

Infant Baptism in Reformation Geneva: The Shaping of a Community, 1536-1564 by Karen E. Spierling

Infant Baptism in Reformation Geneva: The Shaping of a Community, 1536-1564

Infant Baptism in Reformation Geneva: The Shaping of a Community, 1536-1564 by Karen E. Spierling PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book examines beliefs, practices, and arguments surrounding infant baptism in Geneva during the time of John Calvin. Karen Spierling studies several facets of Calvin's theology of baptism, including its impact on the formation of community; its doctrine and liturgy; its role in the raising of children; and the parts played by parents, ministers, godparents, and midwives in the practice of baptism. This book also highlights some of the controversies surrounding baptism in the sixteenth century, most notably the tension between Calvin's theology of baptism and that of the Roman Catholic Church.

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